Tag Archives: Sheldon Adelson

Web gaming backers face bleak prospects after election, analysts say | Las Vegas Review-Journal

  Supporters of federal legalization of Internet gaming could be the biggest losers following the 2014 midterm elections, according to analysts. The issue is not expected to gain traction in Washington, D.C., come January, after the new Congress is seated. With Republicans taking control of the U.S. Senate and gaining a larger majority in the House of Representatives, […]

Why Las Vegas Sands’ Sheldon Adelson is Fighting Online Gaming LVS

The author of this article (link below) outlines a very reasoned and logical argument as to why Sheldon Adelson is opposed to online gaming in the US. While it is easy for the pro-online gambling forces to ascribe sinister reasons  to why Adelson opposes online gambling, the author does an excellent job of explaining why the […]

Adelson slams online gambling and Pokerstars

In his recent keynote address at G2E this week, Sheldon Adelson reiterated his absolute disdain for online gambling. His criticism didn’t end there. He used the term” lawbreakers” when referring to Pokerstars and  stated he didn’t believe anything changed with the acquisition of the company by Amaya, stating “it’s the same organization- just different stakeholders”. […]

Sheldon Adelson Is Winning His War Against Online Gambling: Finally someone agrees with me!

In this informative article by Nathan Vardi of Forbes, readers are walked through the reasons Adelson is winning the battle against the proliferation of online gambling in the US. I have repeatedly said that due to the limited market in NJ and the many issues the NJ operators face (geo-location errors, credit cards rejections, etc…) […]

External proof the NJ poker numbers are declining

Pokerscout.com is a website and service that bills itself as the leading source of information about the online poker industry. Their online poker liquidity(traffic) rankings give a clear picture of the internet poker industry as a whole. By looking at the data that Pokerscout provides, one can clearly see the beginning of a downtrend in poker […]